BY THE WAY 2, Public Art in Ireland
by Ann Lane, Wordwell Ltd, 2019, (Pages 71, 72 Dublin, 160 Offaly, 316 Antrim).

The Complete Guide to the Statues and Sculptures of Dublin City
by Neal Doherty, Orpen Press, 2015 (Page 53 and front cover image).

The Complete Guide to The STREETS of DUBLIN City
by Neal Doherty, Orpen Press, 2016 (Page 244).

LES CHIENS CELEBRES REELS et FICTIFS dans l’Art, la Culture et l’Histoire
by Guillaume de Lavigne, Lulu.com, 2015 (Page 334).

IMMORTALS of BRITISH SPORT, A celebration of Britain’s sporting history through sculpture
by Ian Hewitt and Sampson Lloyd, Vision Sports Publishing Ltd, 2013 (Page 90).